The lab introduces itself
Lab members
Hanneke den Ouden - Lab Director
Julie Hoomans - Lab manager
Renée Koolschijn - Post-doc
Bertalan Polner - Post-doc
Elena Mainetto - PhD student
Floortje Spronkers - PhD student
Soha Farboud - PhD Student
Benjamin Kop - PhD Student
Christian Bauer - MSc student
Rares Radulescu - MSc student
Floris van der Werff - MSc student
Mihaela Belacurencu - MSc student
Fleur Smilde - MSc student
Rico van den Broek - Msc student
Co-supervised & Affiliated Lab members
Photos of lab
PhD students:
Dr. Johannes Algermissen (currently postdoctoral researcher at Oxford University) * download thesis
Dr. Mojtaba Rostami Kandroodi (currently lecturing at University of Tilburg)
Dr. Jennifer Swart (currently Statistical Researcher at the Dutch Central Bureau for Statistics) * download thesis
Dr. Annelies van Nuland (currently Information Analyst at RadboudUMC) * download thesis
Dr. Dirk Geurts (currently Consultant Psychiatrist and researcher at RadboudUMC / Donders Center for Medical Neuroscience) * download thesis
Dr. Martine van Schouwenburg (currently Manager at Valcon) * download thesis
Master students:
Research assistants:
dr. Kristin Schmidt
dr. Joris Elshout
Lab video with alumni
At the Donders Institute
Roshan Cools - Motivational & Cognitive Control
Lennart Verhagen - Ultrasound Neuromodulation
Ivan Toni - Intention & Action
Rick Helmich - Systems Neurology
Around the world
Samuel Chamberlain - University of Southhampton - UK
Jennifer Cook - University of Birmingham - UK
Nathaniel Daw - Princeton University - USA
Ross Otto - Department of Psychology McGill University - USA